Training is one of the most important programs in a law enforcement agency. Whether training is assigned as an adjunct duty to one person or is comprised of a full unit, staffed with several specialists, the training mission is complex and unrelenting. Often the new coordinator or manager has limited experience assessing training and may have no network to call on for advice. This course is designed to help you shorten the learning curve. This course is appropriate for supervisors and command staff that are in charge of training units as well as anyone that oversees a group of trainers associated to a topic; for example a supervisor that oversees the firearms or defensive tactics instructor cadre or any mid-level manager overseeing the training functions.
In this workshop, we will discuss ideas and resources that can be used to plan a training program that will meet the liability and professional development needs of any agency. Practical exercises will put newly learned skills to use and provide you with practical information and examples which are highly transferable to the workplace.
Students will leave the class with a manual that provides tools to navigate training requirements, implement best practices, and the beginning of a network with others in similar positions.
Class topics include: