Training, Leadership, and Change Management (TLCM) staff has considerable experience and expertise in helping agencies with professional training, assessments, evaluations, and many other tasks often associated to training.
Services include the development of relevant, meaningful, and defensible tools to use in your organization's selection or promotional processes. These processes work best when designed to meet your individual organizational needs, and include appropriate evaluation criteria so your process is consistent and identifies the best, most qualified candidates.
The goal of any selection process is to find a candidate that is a good fit for the position; a candidate that has the knowledge, the skills, and the attitudes that the position requires.
We approach the selection process from a training perspective. In a quality training environment, we need to assess that our students have learned the knowledge, the skills, and the attitudes to be successful in the area or topic that is being trained. A selection process is very similar to this training assessment.
We start with a list of dimensions that we can test for in the process. We will work with you to identify which of those dimensions best describe the position in question. We then build assessment tools that are objective and tied directly to the job description through those dimensions.
Our written tests examine the candidate’s knowledge of policy, procedures, rules, and laws that affect the position. A well written test should reduce the candidate's opportunity to guess the correct answer. It should also be clearly stated, unambiguous, and pulled from the knowledge necessary to correctly do the job. We write our tests using evidence based test writing methods to achieve a high level of validity and defensibility.
Our assessment center exercises examine how the candidate will perform the tasks associated to the position in question. We work with you to build exercises that mirror real situations and include opportunities for the candidate to complete tasks that are part of the actual job. Assessing the candidate’s performance in these exercises is done objectively and fairly across all candidates by all assessors through the use of supporting tools that are built for those exercises.
We will work with you to build oral board questions that provide the candidate the opportunity to explain their thoughts and motivations for doing what they do. Placing a candidate into a supervisory position requires those in higher level leadership positions to trust that candidate’s judgement. The oral board is an opportunity for the candidate to show why they should be trusted in that position. The candidate’s responses in the oral board are assessed objectively and fairly across all candidates by all board members through the use of supporting tools that are built for those questions.
As with all of our efforts, our goal is to support your agency and your personnel in providing the highest quality services to the community. If your agency needs assistance with only a part of the promotional process, we are invested in providing that assistance. If you need someone to come in and provide the whole process for you, ending with a pool or list of candidates, we are invested in providing you that assistance as well.
If you are interested in further information about our promotional process, please contact us and we can discuss the specific needs your organization has and how we can help you to meet those needs.